class ColorConfig
extends ApiResource
- // members
- public bool $copyChromaLocationFlag;
- public bool $copyColorSpaceFlag;
- public bool $copyColorPrimariesFlag;
- public bool $copyColorRangeFlag;
- public bool $copyColorTransferFlag;
- public ChromaLocation $chromaLocation;
- public ColorSpace $colorSpace;
- public ColorPrimaries $colorPrimaries;
- public ColorRange $colorRange;
- public ColorTransfer $colorTransfer;
- public InputColorSpace $inputColorSpace;
- public InputColorRange $inputColorRange;
- public InputColorPrimaries $inputColorPrimaries;
- public InputColorTransfer $inputColorTransfer;
- // methods
- public void __construct()
- public $this copyChromaLocationFlag()
- public $this copyColorSpaceFlag()
- public $this copyColorPrimariesFlag()
- public $this copyColorRangeFlag()
- public $this copyColorTransferFlag()
- public $this chromaLocation()
- public $this colorSpace()
- public $this colorPrimaries()
- public $this colorRange()
- public $this colorTransfer()
- public $this inputColorSpace()
- public $this inputColorRange()
- public $this inputColorPrimaries()
- public $this inputColorTransfer()
- // Inherited methods from ApiResource
- public void __construct()
- public static $this create()
- public void toArray()
- $chromaLocation — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\ChromaLocation
- $colorPrimaries — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\ColorPrimaries
- $colorRange — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\ColorRange
- $colorSpace — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\ColorSpace
- $colorTransfer — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\ColorTransfer
- $copyChromaLocationFlag — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\bool
- $copyColorPrimariesFlag — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\bool
- $copyColorRangeFlag — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\bool
- $copyColorSpaceFlag — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\bool
- $copyColorTransferFlag — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\bool
- $inputColorPrimaries — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\InputColorPrimaries
- $inputColorRange — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\InputColorRange
- $inputColorSpace — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\InputColorSpace
- $inputColorTransfer — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\InputColorTransfer
- __construct()
- chromaLocation() — The chroma location to be applied
- colorPrimaries() — The color primaries to be applied. If used on a Dolby Vision stream, this value must be set to UNSPECIFIED.
- colorRange() — The color range to be applied. If used on a Dolby Vision stream, this value must be set to JPEG.
- colorSpace() — The color space to be applied. If used on a Dolby Vision stream, this value must be set to UNSPECIFIED.
- colorTransfer() — The color transfer to be applied. If used on a Dolby Vision stream, this value must be set to UNSPECIFIED.
- copyChromaLocationFlag() — Copy the chroma location setting from the input source
- copyColorPrimariesFlag() — Copy the color primaries setting from the input source
- copyColorRangeFlag() — Copy the color range setting from the input source
- copyColorSpaceFlag() — Copy the color space setting from the input source
- copyColorTransferFlag() — Copy the color transfer setting from the input source
- inputColorPrimaries() — Override the color primaries detected in the input file. If not set the input color primaries will be automatically detected if possible.
- inputColorRange() — Override the color range detected in the input file. If not set the input color range will be automatically detected if possible.
- inputColorSpace() — Override the color space detected in the input file. If not set the input color space will be automatically detected if possible.
- inputColorTransfer() — Override the color transfer detected in the input file. If not set the input color transfer will be automatically detected if possible.