class DashEditionCompatibility
extends Enum
- // methods
- public static DashEditionCompatibility create()
- public static DashEditionCompatibility V4()
- // Inherited methods from Enum
- public void __construct()
- public mixed getValue()
- public mixed getKey()
- public string __toString()
- public final bool equals()
- public static array keys()
- public static array values()
- public static array toArray()
- public static bool isValidKey()
- public static mixed search()
- public static DashEditionCompatibility __callStatic()
- public mixed jsonSerialize()
- V4() — States the compatibility of the DASH manifest with the standard DASH Edition. When set to V4, the endNumber attribute will be automatically added to the last Media Segment in the Representation of the Period, in order to improve playback compatibility. If the property is not set the endNumber attribute tag will not be added.
- create()
Inherited from BitmovinApiSdk\Common\Enum
- __callStatic() — Returns a value when called statically like so: MyEnum::SOME_VALUE() given SOME_VALUE is a class constant
- __toString()
- equals() — Determines if Enum should be considered equal with the variable passed as a parameter.
- getKey() — Returns the enum key (i.e. the constant name).
- getValue()
- isValidKey() — Check if is valid enum key
- jsonSerialize() — Specify data which should be serialized to JSON. This method returns data that can be serialized by json_encode() natively.
- keys() — Returns the names (keys) of all constants in the Enum class
- search() — Return key for value
- toArray() — Returns all possible values as an array
- values() — Returns instances of the Enum class of all Enum constants