class DashFmp4DrmRepresentation
extends DashFmp4Representation
- // members
- public string $drmId;
- // Inherited members from DashSegmentedRepresentation
- public DashRepresentationType $type;
- public DashRepresentationTypeMode $mode;
- public string $segmentPath;
- public int $startSegmentNumber;
- public int $endSegmentNumber;
- public string $startKeyframeId;
- public string $endKeyframeId;
- // Inherited members from DashMuxingRepresentation
- public string $encodingId;
- public string $muxingId;
- public string $dependencyId;
- // Inherited members from DashRepresentation
- public static string $discriminatorName;
- public static array $discriminatorMapping;
- // Inherited members from BitmovinResponse
- public string $id;
- // methods
- public void __construct()
- public $this drmId()
- // Inherited methods from DashFmp4Representation
- public void __construct()
- // Inherited methods from DashSegmentedRepresentation
- public void __construct()
- public $this type()
- public $this mode()
- public $this segmentPath()
- public $this startSegmentNumber()
- public $this endSegmentNumber()
- public $this startKeyframeId()
- public $this endKeyframeId()
- // Inherited methods from DashMuxingRepresentation
- public void __construct()
- public $this encodingId()
- public $this muxingId()
- public $this dependencyId()
- // Inherited methods from DashRepresentation
- public void __construct()
- // Inherited methods from BitmovinResponse
- public void __construct()
- // Inherited methods from ApiResource
- public void __construct()
- public static $this create()
- public void toArray()
- $dependencyId — string
- $discriminatorMapping
- $discriminatorName
- $drmId — string
- $encodingId — string
- $endKeyframeId — string
- $endSegmentNumber — int
- $id — string
- $mode — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\DashRepresentationTypeMode
- $muxingId — string
- $segmentPath — string
- $startKeyframeId — string
- $startSegmentNumber — int
- $type — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\DashRepresentationType
- __construct()
- drmId() — DRM Id (required)
Inherited from BitmovinApiSdk\Models\DashSegmentedRepresentation
- endKeyframeId() — Id of the keyframe to end with. It takes precedence over endSegmentNumber. The segment containing the end keyframe is not included in the representation.
- endSegmentNumber() — Number of the last segment. Default is the last one that was encoded
- mode() — mode
- segmentPath() — Path to segments. Will be used as the representation id if the type is set to TEMPLATE_ADAPTATION_SET (required)
- startKeyframeId() — Id of the keyframe to start with. It takes precedence over startSegmentNumber
- startSegmentNumber() — Number of the first segment
- type() — type
Inherited from BitmovinApiSdk\Models\DashMuxingRepresentation
- dependencyId() — Used to signal a dependency with another representation. The representation may belong to a different adaptation set
- encodingId() — UUID of an encoding (required)
- muxingId() — UUID of a muxing (required)