class HlsManifestDefault
extends HlsManifest
- // members
- public string $encodingId;
- public HlsManifestDefaultVersion $version;
- // Inherited members from HlsManifest
- public string $manifestName;
- public HlsVersion $hlsMediaPlaylistVersion;
- public HlsVersion $hlsMasterPlaylistVersion;
- public ChannelsAttributeForAudio $channelsAttributeForAudio;
- public HlsTargetDurationRoundingMode $targetDurationRoundingMode;
- // Inherited members from Manifest
- public ManifestType $type;
- public array $outputs;
- public Status $status;
- // Inherited members from BitmovinResource
- public string $name;
- public string $description;
- public Carbon $createdAt;
- public Carbon $modifiedAt;
- public mixed $customData;
- // Inherited members from BitmovinResponse
- public string $id;
- // methods
- public void __construct()
- public $this encodingId()
- public $this version()
- // Inherited methods from HlsManifest
- public void __construct()
- public $this manifestName()
- public $this hlsMediaPlaylistVersion()
- public $this hlsMasterPlaylistVersion()
- public $this channelsAttributeForAudio()
- public $this targetDurationRoundingMode()
- // Inherited methods from Manifest
- public void __construct()
- public $this outputs()
- // Inherited methods from BitmovinResource
- public void __construct()
- public $this name()
- public $this description()
- public $this customData()
- // Inherited methods from BitmovinResponse
- public void __construct()
- // Inherited methods from ApiResource
- public void __construct()
- public static $this create()
- public void toArray()
- $channelsAttributeForAudio — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\ChannelsAttributeForAudio
- $createdAt — Carbon\Carbon
- $customData — mixed
- $description — string
- $encodingId — string
- $hlsMasterPlaylistVersion — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\HlsVersion
- $hlsMediaPlaylistVersion — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\HlsVersion
- $id — string
- $manifestName — string
- $modifiedAt — Carbon\Carbon
- $name — string
- $outputs — \BitmovinApiSdk\Models\EncodingOutput[]
- $status — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\Status
- $targetDurationRoundingMode — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\HlsTargetDurationRoundingMode
- $type — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\ManifestType
- $version — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\HlsManifestDefaultVersion
- __construct()
- encodingId() — The id of the encoding to create a default manifest for (required)
- version() — Currently not in use
Inherited from BitmovinApiSdk\Models\HlsManifest
- channelsAttributeForAudio() — Controls the behaviour of the CHANNELS attribute for the EXT-X-VERSION tag
- hlsMasterPlaylistVersion() — If this is set, the EXT-X-VERSION tag of the Master Playlist is set to the provided version
- hlsMediaPlaylistVersion() — If this is set, the EXT-X-VERSION tags of the Media Playlists are set to the provided version
- manifestName() — The filename of your manifest. If this is not set, the `name` is used as output file name. Either one of `name` or `manifestName` is required. Be aware that spaces will be replaced with underlines (`_`) on the output.
- targetDurationRoundingMode() — The rounding applied to target duration. Two possible rouding modes exist: NORMAL_ROUNDING, when the target duration is rounded to the nearest integer, or UPWARDS_ROUNDING, when the target duration is rounded to the highest integer.
Inherited from BitmovinApiSdk\Models\Manifest
- outputs() — The outputs to store the manifest (required)
Inherited from BitmovinApiSdk\Models\BitmovinResource
- customData() — User-specific meta data. This can hold anything.
- description() — Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user.
- name() — Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user.