class PrewarmedEncoderPool
extends BitmovinResource
- // members
- public string $encoderVersion;
- public CloudRegion $cloudRegion;
- public string $infrastructureId;
- public PrewarmedEncoderDiskSize $diskSize;
- public int $targetPoolSize;
- public bool $dynamicPool;
- public bool $gpuEnabled;
- public PrewarmedEncoderPoolStatus $status;
- // Inherited members from BitmovinResource
- public string $name;
- public string $description;
- public Carbon $createdAt;
- public Carbon $modifiedAt;
- public mixed $customData;
- // Inherited members from BitmovinResponse
- public string $id;
- // methods
- public void __construct()
- public $this encoderVersion()
- public $this cloudRegion()
- public $this infrastructureId()
- public $this diskSize()
- public $this targetPoolSize()
- public $this dynamicPool()
- public $this gpuEnabled()
- // Inherited methods from BitmovinResource
- public void __construct()
- public $this name()
- public $this description()
- public $this customData()
- // Inherited methods from BitmovinResponse
- public void __construct()
- // Inherited methods from ApiResource
- public void __construct()
- public static $this create()
- public void toArray()
- $cloudRegion — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\CloudRegion
- $createdAt — Carbon\Carbon
- $customData — mixed
- $description — string
- $diskSize — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\PrewarmedEncoderDiskSize
- $dynamicPool — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\bool
- $encoderVersion — string
- $gpuEnabled — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\bool
- $id — string
- $infrastructureId — string
- $modifiedAt — Carbon\Carbon
- $name — string
- $status — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\PrewarmedEncoderPoolStatus
- $targetPoolSize — int
- __construct()
- cloudRegion() — The cloud region in which the pool's instances will be running. Must be a specific region (e.g. not 'AUTO', 'GOOGLE' or 'EUROPE') (required)
- diskSize() — Disk size of the prewarmed instances in GB. Needs to be chosen depending on input file sizes and encoding features used. (required)
- dynamicPool() — Activate dynamic pool behaviour. Pool will increase/decrease based on usage up until a size of 10 instances. Minimum pool size is set by targetPoolSize
- encoderVersion() — The encoder version which the pool's instances will be running (required)
- gpuEnabled() — Create pool with GPU instances for hardware encoding presets (e.g., VOD_HARDWARE_SHORTFORM).
- infrastructureId() — Define an external infrastructure to run the pool on.
- targetPoolSize() — Number of instances to keep prewarmed while the pool is running (required)
Inherited from BitmovinApiSdk\Models\BitmovinResource
- customData() — User-specific meta data. This can hold anything.
- description() — Description of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user.
- name() — Name of the resource. Can be freely chosen by the user.