class ReuploadSettings
extends ApiResource
- // members
- public float $dashManifestInterval;
- public float $hlsManifestInterval;
- public float $muxingInitFileInterval;
- // methods
- public void __construct()
- public $this dashManifestInterval()
- public $this hlsManifestInterval()
- public $this muxingInitFileInterval()
- // Inherited methods from ApiResource
- public void __construct()
- public static $this create()
- public void toArray()
- $dashManifestInterval — float
- $hlsManifestInterval — float
- $muxingInitFileInterval — float
- __construct()
- dashManifestInterval() — Interval in seconds to reupload the DASH manifest. Valid values are either `null` to never reupload the dash manifest or at least `30`.
- hlsManifestInterval() — Interval in seconds to reupload the HLS master file. Valid values are either `0` to never reupload the hls manifest or at least `30`. This is currently not used, as the master file will always be uploaded when one of the playlist files has changed.
- muxingInitFileInterval() — The interval in seconds to reupload the init file for segmented muxings, e.g. fMP4, WebM. Valid values are either `null` to never reupload the init file for segmented muxings or at least `30`.