External ID used together with the IAM role identified by `roleArn` to assume S3 access. This ID is provided by the API if `externalIdMode` is set to `GLOBAL` or `GENERATED`. If present, it has to be added to the trust policy of the IAM role `roleArn` configured above, otherwise the API won't be able to read from the S3 bucket. An appropriate trust policy would look like this: ``` { \"Effect\": \"Allow\", \"Principal\": { \"AWS\": \"arn:aws:iam::630681592166:user/bitmovinCustomerS3Access\" }, \"Action\": \"sts:AssumeRole\", \"Condition\": { \"StringEquals\": { \"sts:ExternalId\": \"{{externalId}}\" } } } ``` where \"{{externalId}}\" is the generated ID. This property is optional but we recommend it as an additional security feature. We will use both the `roleArn` and the `externalId` to access your S3 data. If the Amazon IAM role has an external ID configured but it is not provided in the input configuration Bitmovin won't be able to read from the S3 bucket. Also if the external ID does not match the one configured for the IAM role on AWS side, Bitmovin won't be able to access the S3 bucket. If you need to change the external ID that is used by your IAM role, you need to create a new input, and use the external ID provided by the API to update your IAM role. For more information please visit https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_roles_create_for-user_externalid.html