
Define a URL pointing to a folder which will be used to upload the encoded assets. The output folder structure used looks the following way: <br><br> `http://host/my-folder` <ul> <li> `/video` <ul> <li>`/h264/{width}x{height}_{bitrate}/` (multiple subfolders containing different output renditions)</li> </ul> </li> <li>`/audio` <ul> <li>`/aac/{language}/` - if language is unique (subfolder containing audio output files)</li> <li>`/aac/{language}_{index}/` - if language is not unique (subfolder containing audio output files)</li> </ul> </li> <li>`/subtitles` (subfolder containing subtitles files)</li> <li>`/captions` (subfolder containing subtitles files)</li> <li>`/sprites` (subfolder containing generated sprites)</li> <li>`/thumbnails` (subfolder containing generated thumbnails)</li> <li>`/index.m3u8` (HLS manifest file) </li> <li>`/stream.mpd` (DASH manifest file) </li> </ul> Currently the following protocols/storages systems are supported: S3, GCS, Azure Blob Storage, Akamai NetStorage. Note that most protocols will require `credentials` to access the asset. Check in the descriptions below which properties can or need to be provided within the `credentials` key. See below how to construct the URLs for the individual protocols/storage systems. ___ **Recommendation** To ensure uniqueness of output paths accross multiple encodings, make use of the following placeholders in the output's URL: {uuid} - will be replaced with a random UUID {asset} - will be replaced with the asset file name (only for the input type VIDEO or DEFAULT) Examples: * using the `{uuid}` placeholder: The output URL `s3://<my-bucket>/{uuid}/path/` will be transformed to e.g. `s3://<my-bucket>/d59295f3-1548-4bd9-843d-6ac6896dbdb6/path/`. * using the `{asset}` placeholder: Given an input `s3://my-bucket/path/filename.mp4` of type VIDEO or DEFAULT, the output URL `s3://<my-bucket>/{asset}/path/` will be transformed to `s3://<my-bucket>/filename/path/` Notes: - Placeholders can be combined or used multiple times in the same URL. - Placeholders are ignored when used in conjunction with `DirectFileUploadInput`s because in this case the asset file name cannot be set. ___ **S3**: * `s3://<my-bucket>/path/` Authentication can be done via accesskey/secretkey or role-based authentication. Generic S3 is currently NOT supported. **GCS**: * `gcs://<my-bucket>/path/` Authentication can be done via accesskey/secretkey or a service account **Azure Blob Storage (ABS)**: * `https://<account><container>/path/` It is required to provide the Azure key credentials for authentication. **Akamai NetStorage**: * `https://<host><CP-code>/path/` It is required to provide username/password credentials for authentication. (required)