class StreamInfosDetails
extends ApiResource
- // members
- public string $id;
- public MediaType $mediaType;
- public int $width;
- public int $height;
- public float $rate;
- public LiveEncodingCodec $codec;
- public float $samplesReadPerSecondMin;
- public float $samplesReadPerSecondMax;
- public float $samplesReadPerSecondAvg;
- public float $samplesBackupPerSecondMin;
- public float $samplesBackupPerSecondMax;
- public float $samplesBackupPerSecondAvg;
- public float $bytesReadPerSecondMin;
- public float $bytesReadPerSecondMax;
- public float $bytesReadPerSecondAvg;
- public float $bytesBackupPerSecondMin;
- public float $bytesBackupPerSecondMax;
- public float $bytesBackupPerSecondAvg;
- // methods
- public void __construct()
- public $this id()
- public $this mediaType()
- public $this width()
- public $this height()
- public $this rate()
- public $this codec()
- public $this samplesReadPerSecondMin()
- public $this samplesReadPerSecondMax()
- public $this samplesReadPerSecondAvg()
- public $this samplesBackupPerSecondMin()
- public $this samplesBackupPerSecondMax()
- public $this samplesBackupPerSecondAvg()
- public $this bytesReadPerSecondMin()
- public $this bytesReadPerSecondMax()
- public $this bytesReadPerSecondAvg()
- public $this bytesBackupPerSecondMin()
- public $this bytesBackupPerSecondMax()
- public $this bytesBackupPerSecondAvg()
- // Inherited methods from ApiResource
- public void __construct()
- public static $this create()
- public void toArray()
- $bytesBackupPerSecondAvg — float
- $bytesBackupPerSecondMax — float
- $bytesBackupPerSecondMin — float
- $bytesReadPerSecondAvg — float
- $bytesReadPerSecondMax — float
- $bytesReadPerSecondMin — float
- $codec — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\LiveEncodingCodec
- $height — int
- $id — string
- $mediaType — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\MediaType
- $rate — float
- $samplesBackupPerSecondAvg — float
- $samplesBackupPerSecondMax — float
- $samplesBackupPerSecondMin — float
- $samplesReadPerSecondAvg — float
- $samplesReadPerSecondMax — float
- $samplesReadPerSecondMin — float
- $width — int
- __construct()
- bytesBackupPerSecondAvg() — The average amount of backup bytes used per second within the last minute. This will be written when no live stream is ingested. The last picture will be repeated with silent audio. (required)
- bytesBackupPerSecondMax() — The maximum amount of backup bytes used per second within the last minute. This will be written when no live stream is ingested. The last picture will be repeated with silent audio. (required)
- bytesBackupPerSecondMin() — The minimum amount of backup bytes used per second within the last minute. This will be written when no live stream is ingested. The last picture will be repeated with silent audio. (required)
- bytesReadPerSecondAvg() — The average bytes read per second within the last minute (required)
- bytesReadPerSecondMax() — The maximum bytes read per second within the last minute (required)
- bytesReadPerSecondMin() — The minimum bytes read per second within the last minute (required)
- codec() — The codec of the input stream (required)
- height() — The height of the stream, if it is a video stream
- id() — The id of the stream (required)
- mediaType() — The media type of the stream (required)
- rate() — The rate (sample rate / fps) of the stream (required)
- samplesBackupPerSecondAvg() — The average amount of backup samples used per second within the last minute. This will be written when no live stream is ingested. The last picture will be repeated with silent audio. (required)
- samplesBackupPerSecondMax() — The maximum amount of backup samples used per second within the last minute. This will be written when no live stream is ingested. The last picture will be repeated with silent audio. (required)
- samplesBackupPerSecondMin() — The minimum amount of backup samples used per second within the last minute. This will be written when no live stream is ingested. The last picture will be repeated with silent audio. (required)
- samplesReadPerSecondAvg() — The average samples read per second within the last minute (required)
- samplesReadPerSecondMax() — The maximum samples read per second within the last minute (required)
- samplesReadPerSecondMin() — The minimum samples read per second within the last minute (required)
- width() — The width of the stream, if it is a video stream