class StreamInput
extends ApiResource
- // members
- public string $inputId;
- public string $inputPath;
- public StreamSelectionMode $selectionMode;
- public int $position;
- public string $inputStreamId;
- public EncodingStreamInputDetails $analysisDetails;
- // methods
- public void __construct()
- public $this inputId()
- public $this inputPath()
- public $this selectionMode()
- public $this position()
- public $this inputStreamId()
- // Inherited methods from ApiResource
- public void __construct()
- public static $this create()
- public void toArray()
- $analysisDetails — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\EncodingStreamInputDetails
- $inputId — string
- $inputPath — string
- $inputStreamId — string
- $position — int
- $selectionMode — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\StreamSelectionMode
- __construct()
- inputId() — ID of an Input resource defining the input storage. Required if 'inputStreamId' is not set.
- inputPath() — Path to an input media file. Required if 'inputStreamId' is not set.
- inputStreamId() — Set this property instead of all others to reference an InputStream resource (e.g. an Ingest-, Trimming- or ConcatenationInputStream)
- position() — Position of the stream to be selected from the input file (zero-based). Must not be set in combination with selectionMode 'AUTO', defaults to 0 for any other selectionMode.
- selectionMode() — Specifies the strategy for selecting a stream from the input file. Must not be set when 'inputStreamId' is set.