bitmovin_api_sdk.encoding.encodings.keyframes package
bitmovin_api_sdk.encoding.encodings.keyframes.keyframe_list_query_params module
bitmovin_api_sdk.encoding.encodings.keyframes.keyframes_api module
- class bitmovin_api_sdk.encoding.encodings.keyframes.keyframes_api.KeyframesApi(**kwargs)[source]
- create(encoding_id: string_types, keyframe: Keyframe, **kwargs: dict) Keyframe [source]
Create Keyframes
- delete(encoding_id: string_types, keyframe_id: string_types, **kwargs: dict) BitmovinResponse [source]
Delete Keyframe
- Parameters
encoding_id (string_types, required) – Id of the encoding.
keyframe_id (string_types, required) – Id of the keyframe.
- Returns
Id of the keyframe
- Return type
- get(encoding_id: string_types, keyframe_id: string_types, **kwargs: dict) Keyframe [source]
Keyframe Details
- Parameters
encoding_id (string_types, required) – Id of the encoding.
keyframe_id (string_types, required) – Id of the keyframe.
- Returns
- Return type
- list(encoding_id: string_types, query_params: KeyframeListQueryParams = None, **kwargs: dict) Keyframe [source]
List all Keyframes
- Parameters
encoding_id (string_types, required) – Id of the encoding.
query_params (KeyframeListQueryParams) – Query parameters
- Returns
List of keyframes
- Return type