Source code for bitmovin_api_sdk.models.analytics_s3_role_based_output

# coding: utf-8

from enum import Enum
from six import string_types, iteritems
from bitmovin_api_sdk.common.poscheck import poscheck_model
from bitmovin_api_sdk.models.analytics_output import AnalyticsOutput
from bitmovin_api_sdk.models.aws_cloud_region import AwsCloudRegion
from bitmovin_api_sdk.models.external_id_mode import ExternalIdMode
from bitmovin_api_sdk.models.s3_signature_version import S3SignatureVersion
import pprint
import six

[docs]class AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput(AnalyticsOutput): @poscheck_model def __init__(self, id_=None, name=None, description=None, created_at=None, modified_at=None, custom_data=None, acl=None, bucket_name=None, role_arn=None, external_id=None, external_id_mode=None, md5_meta_tag=None, cloud_region=None, signature_version=None): # type: (string_types, string_types, string_types, datetime, datetime, dict, list[AclEntry], string_types, string_types, string_types, ExternalIdMode, string_types, AwsCloudRegion, S3SignatureVersion) -> None super(AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput, self).__init__(id_=id_, name=name, description=description, created_at=created_at, modified_at=modified_at, custom_data=custom_data, acl=acl) self._bucket_name = None self._role_arn = None self._external_id = None self._external_id_mode = None self._md5_meta_tag = None self._cloud_region = None self._signature_version = None self.discriminator = None if bucket_name is not None: self.bucket_name = bucket_name if role_arn is not None: self.role_arn = role_arn if external_id is not None: self.external_id = external_id if external_id_mode is not None: self.external_id_mode = external_id_mode if md5_meta_tag is not None: self.md5_meta_tag = md5_meta_tag if cloud_region is not None: self.cloud_region = cloud_region if signature_version is not None: self.signature_version = signature_version @property def openapi_types(self): types = {} if hasattr(super(AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput, self), 'openapi_types'): types = getattr(super(AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput, self), 'openapi_types') types.update({ 'bucket_name': 'string_types', 'role_arn': 'string_types', 'external_id': 'string_types', 'external_id_mode': 'ExternalIdMode', 'md5_meta_tag': 'string_types', 'cloud_region': 'AwsCloudRegion', 'signature_version': 'S3SignatureVersion' }) return types @property def attribute_map(self): attributes = {} if hasattr(super(AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput, self), 'attribute_map'): attributes = getattr(super(AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput, self), 'attribute_map') attributes.update({ 'bucket_name': 'bucketName', 'role_arn': 'roleArn', 'external_id': 'externalId', 'external_id_mode': 'externalIdMode', 'md5_meta_tag': 'md5MetaTag', 'cloud_region': 'cloudRegion', 'signature_version': 'signatureVersion' }) return attributes @property def bucket_name(self): # type: () -> string_types """Gets the bucket_name of this AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput. Amazon S3 bucket name (required) :return: The bucket_name of this AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput. :rtype: string_types """ return self._bucket_name @bucket_name.setter def bucket_name(self, bucket_name): # type: (string_types) -> None """Sets the bucket_name of this AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput. Amazon S3 bucket name (required) :param bucket_name: The bucket_name of this AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput. :type: string_types """ if bucket_name is not None: if not isinstance(bucket_name, string_types): raise TypeError("Invalid type for `bucket_name`, type has to be `string_types`") self._bucket_name = bucket_name @property def role_arn(self): # type: () -> string_types """Gets the role_arn of this AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput. Amazon ARN of the IAM Role (Identity and Access Management Role) that will be assumed for S3 access. This role has to be created by the owner of the account with the S3 bucket (i.e., you as a customer). For Bitmovin to be able to assume this role, the following has to be added to the trust policy of the role: ``` { \"Effect\": \"Allow\", \"Principal\": { \"AWS\": \"arn:aws:iam::630681592166:user/bitmovinCustomerS3Access\" }, \"Action\": \"sts:AssumeRole\", \"Condition\": { \"StringEquals\": { \"sts:ExternalId\": \"{{externalId}}\" } } } ``` where \"arn:aws:iam::630681592166:user/bitmovinCustomerS3Access\" is the Bitmovin user used for the access. The `Condition` is optional but we highly recommend it, see property `externalId` below for more information. This setup allows Bitmovin assume the provided IAM role and to write data to your S3 bucket. Please note that the IAM role has to have write access to S3. For more information about role creation please visit (required) :return: The role_arn of this AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput. :rtype: string_types """ return self._role_arn @role_arn.setter def role_arn(self, role_arn): # type: (string_types) -> None """Sets the role_arn of this AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput. Amazon ARN of the IAM Role (Identity and Access Management Role) that will be assumed for S3 access. This role has to be created by the owner of the account with the S3 bucket (i.e., you as a customer). For Bitmovin to be able to assume this role, the following has to be added to the trust policy of the role: ``` { \"Effect\": \"Allow\", \"Principal\": { \"AWS\": \"arn:aws:iam::630681592166:user/bitmovinCustomerS3Access\" }, \"Action\": \"sts:AssumeRole\", \"Condition\": { \"StringEquals\": { \"sts:ExternalId\": \"{{externalId}}\" } } } ``` where \"arn:aws:iam::630681592166:user/bitmovinCustomerS3Access\" is the Bitmovin user used for the access. The `Condition` is optional but we highly recommend it, see property `externalId` below for more information. This setup allows Bitmovin assume the provided IAM role and to write data to your S3 bucket. Please note that the IAM role has to have write access to S3. For more information about role creation please visit (required) :param role_arn: The role_arn of this AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput. :type: string_types """ if role_arn is not None: if not isinstance(role_arn, string_types): raise TypeError("Invalid type for `role_arn`, type has to be `string_types`") self._role_arn = role_arn @property def external_id(self): # type: () -> string_types """Gets the external_id of this AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput. External ID used together with the IAM role identified by `roleArn` to assume S3 access. This ID is provided by the API if `externalIdMode` is set to `GLOBAL` or `GENERATED`. If present, it has to be added to the trust policy of the IAM role `roleArn` configured above, otherwise the API won't be able to write to the S3 bucket. An appropriate trust policy would look like this: ``` { \"Effect\": \"Allow\", \"Principal\": { \"AWS\": \"arn:aws:iam::630681592166:user/bitmovinCustomerS3Access\" }, \"Action\": \"sts:AssumeRole\", \"Condition\": { \"StringEquals\": { \"sts:ExternalId\": \"{{externalId}}\" } } } ``` where \"{{externalId}}\" is the generated ID. This property is optional but we recommend it as an additional security feature. We will use both the `roleArn` and the `externalId` to access your S3 data. If the Amazon IAM role has an external ID configured but it is not provided in the output configuration Bitmovin won't be able to write to the S3 bucket. Also if the external ID does not match the one configured for the IAM role on AWS side, Bitmovin won't be able to access the S3 bucket. If you need to change the external ID that is used by your IAM role, you need to create a new output, and use the external ID provided by the API to update your IAM role. For more information please visit :return: The external_id of this AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput. :rtype: string_types """ return self._external_id @external_id.setter def external_id(self, external_id): # type: (string_types) -> None """Sets the external_id of this AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput. External ID used together with the IAM role identified by `roleArn` to assume S3 access. This ID is provided by the API if `externalIdMode` is set to `GLOBAL` or `GENERATED`. If present, it has to be added to the trust policy of the IAM role `roleArn` configured above, otherwise the API won't be able to write to the S3 bucket. An appropriate trust policy would look like this: ``` { \"Effect\": \"Allow\", \"Principal\": { \"AWS\": \"arn:aws:iam::630681592166:user/bitmovinCustomerS3Access\" }, \"Action\": \"sts:AssumeRole\", \"Condition\": { \"StringEquals\": { \"sts:ExternalId\": \"{{externalId}}\" } } } ``` where \"{{externalId}}\" is the generated ID. This property is optional but we recommend it as an additional security feature. We will use both the `roleArn` and the `externalId` to access your S3 data. If the Amazon IAM role has an external ID configured but it is not provided in the output configuration Bitmovin won't be able to write to the S3 bucket. Also if the external ID does not match the one configured for the IAM role on AWS side, Bitmovin won't be able to access the S3 bucket. If you need to change the external ID that is used by your IAM role, you need to create a new output, and use the external ID provided by the API to update your IAM role. For more information please visit :param external_id: The external_id of this AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput. :type: string_types """ if external_id is not None: if not isinstance(external_id, string_types): raise TypeError("Invalid type for `external_id`, type has to be `string_types`") self._external_id = external_id @property def external_id_mode(self): # type: () -> ExternalIdMode """Gets the external_id_mode of this AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput. :return: The external_id_mode of this AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput. :rtype: ExternalIdMode """ return self._external_id_mode @external_id_mode.setter def external_id_mode(self, external_id_mode): # type: (ExternalIdMode) -> None """Sets the external_id_mode of this AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput. :param external_id_mode: The external_id_mode of this AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput. :type: ExternalIdMode """ if external_id_mode is not None: if not isinstance(external_id_mode, ExternalIdMode): raise TypeError("Invalid type for `external_id_mode`, type has to be `ExternalIdMode`") self._external_id_mode = external_id_mode @property def md5_meta_tag(self): # type: () -> string_types """Gets the md5_meta_tag of this AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput. If set a user defined tag (x-amz-meta-) with that key will be used to store the MD5 hash of the file. :return: The md5_meta_tag of this AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput. :rtype: string_types """ return self._md5_meta_tag @md5_meta_tag.setter def md5_meta_tag(self, md5_meta_tag): # type: (string_types) -> None """Sets the md5_meta_tag of this AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput. If set a user defined tag (x-amz-meta-) with that key will be used to store the MD5 hash of the file. :param md5_meta_tag: The md5_meta_tag of this AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput. :type: string_types """ if md5_meta_tag is not None: if not isinstance(md5_meta_tag, string_types): raise TypeError("Invalid type for `md5_meta_tag`, type has to be `string_types`") self._md5_meta_tag = md5_meta_tag @property def cloud_region(self): # type: () -> AwsCloudRegion """Gets the cloud_region of this AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput. :return: The cloud_region of this AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput. :rtype: AwsCloudRegion """ return self._cloud_region @cloud_region.setter def cloud_region(self, cloud_region): # type: (AwsCloudRegion) -> None """Sets the cloud_region of this AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput. :param cloud_region: The cloud_region of this AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput. :type: AwsCloudRegion """ if cloud_region is not None: if not isinstance(cloud_region, AwsCloudRegion): raise TypeError("Invalid type for `cloud_region`, type has to be `AwsCloudRegion`") self._cloud_region = cloud_region @property def signature_version(self): # type: () -> S3SignatureVersion """Gets the signature_version of this AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput. Specifies the method used for authentication :return: The signature_version of this AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput. :rtype: S3SignatureVersion """ return self._signature_version @signature_version.setter def signature_version(self, signature_version): # type: (S3SignatureVersion) -> None """Sets the signature_version of this AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput. Specifies the method used for authentication :param signature_version: The signature_version of this AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput. :type: S3SignatureVersion """ if signature_version is not None: if not isinstance(signature_version, S3SignatureVersion): raise TypeError("Invalid type for `signature_version`, type has to be `S3SignatureVersion`") self._signature_version = signature_version
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" result = {} if hasattr(super(AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput, self), "to_dict"): result = super(AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput, self).to_dict() for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types): value = getattr(self, attr) if value is None: continue if isinstance(value, list): if len(value) == 0: continue result[self.attribute_map.get(attr)] = [y.value if isinstance(y, Enum) else y for y in [x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x for x in value]] elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"): result[self.attribute_map.get(attr)] = value.to_dict() elif isinstance(value, Enum): result[self.attribute_map.get(attr)] = value.value elif isinstance(value, dict): result[self.attribute_map.get(attr)] = {k: (v.to_dict() if hasattr(v, "to_dict") else v) for (k, v) in value.items()} else: result[self.attribute_map.get(attr)] = value return result
[docs] def to_str(self): """Returns the string representation of the model""" return pprint.pformat(self.to_dict())
def __repr__(self): """For `print` and `pprint`""" return self.to_str() def __eq__(self, other): """Returns true if both objects are equal""" if not isinstance(other, AnalyticsS3RoleBasedOutput): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Returns true if both objects are not equal""" return not self == other