Source code for bitmovin_api_sdk.models.start_encoding_request

# coding: utf-8

from enum import Enum
from six import string_types, iteritems
from bitmovin_api_sdk.common.poscheck import poscheck_model
from bitmovin_api_sdk.models.encoding_mode import EncodingMode
from bitmovin_api_sdk.models.manifest_generator import ManifestGenerator
from bitmovin_api_sdk.models.per_title import PerTitle
from bitmovin_api_sdk.models.scheduling import Scheduling
from bitmovin_api_sdk.models.trimming import Trimming
from bitmovin_api_sdk.models.tweaks import Tweaks
import pprint
import six

[docs]class StartEncodingRequest(object): @poscheck_model def __init__(self, trimming=None, scheduling=None, tweaks=None, handle_variable_input_fps=None, encoding_mode=None, preview_dash_manifests=None, preview_hls_manifests=None, vod_dash_manifests=None, vod_hls_manifests=None, vod_smooth_manifests=None, manifest_generator=None, per_title=None): # type: (Trimming, Scheduling, Tweaks, bool, EncodingMode, list[ManifestResource], list[ManifestResource], list[ManifestResource], list[ManifestResource], list[ManifestResource], ManifestGenerator, PerTitle) -> None self._trimming = None self._scheduling = None self._tweaks = None self._handle_variable_input_fps = None self._encoding_mode = None self._preview_dash_manifests = list() self._preview_hls_manifests = list() self._vod_dash_manifests = list() self._vod_hls_manifests = list() self._vod_smooth_manifests = list() self._manifest_generator = None self._per_title = None self.discriminator = None if trimming is not None: self.trimming = trimming if scheduling is not None: self.scheduling = scheduling if tweaks is not None: self.tweaks = tweaks if handle_variable_input_fps is not None: self.handle_variable_input_fps = handle_variable_input_fps if encoding_mode is not None: self.encoding_mode = encoding_mode if preview_dash_manifests is not None: self.preview_dash_manifests = preview_dash_manifests if preview_hls_manifests is not None: self.preview_hls_manifests = preview_hls_manifests if vod_dash_manifests is not None: self.vod_dash_manifests = vod_dash_manifests if vod_hls_manifests is not None: self.vod_hls_manifests = vod_hls_manifests if vod_smooth_manifests is not None: self.vod_smooth_manifests = vod_smooth_manifests if manifest_generator is not None: self.manifest_generator = manifest_generator if per_title is not None: self.per_title = per_title @property def openapi_types(self): types = { 'trimming': 'Trimming', 'scheduling': 'Scheduling', 'tweaks': 'Tweaks', 'handle_variable_input_fps': 'bool', 'encoding_mode': 'EncodingMode', 'preview_dash_manifests': 'list[ManifestResource]', 'preview_hls_manifests': 'list[ManifestResource]', 'vod_dash_manifests': 'list[ManifestResource]', 'vod_hls_manifests': 'list[ManifestResource]', 'vod_smooth_manifests': 'list[ManifestResource]', 'manifest_generator': 'ManifestGenerator', 'per_title': 'PerTitle' } return types @property def attribute_map(self): attributes = { 'trimming': 'trimming', 'scheduling': 'scheduling', 'tweaks': 'tweaks', 'handle_variable_input_fps': 'handleVariableInputFps', 'encoding_mode': 'encodingMode', 'preview_dash_manifests': 'previewDashManifests', 'preview_hls_manifests': 'previewHlsManifests', 'vod_dash_manifests': 'vodDashManifests', 'vod_hls_manifests': 'vodHlsManifests', 'vod_smooth_manifests': 'vodSmoothManifests', 'manifest_generator': 'manifestGenerator', 'per_title': 'perTitle' } return attributes @property def trimming(self): # type: () -> Trimming """Gets the trimming of this StartEncodingRequest. Allows to encode only part of the input. Defines start (offset) and duration of the desired section. This is not allowed when the Encoding uses any kind of Input Stream resource. :return: The trimming of this StartEncodingRequest. :rtype: Trimming """ return self._trimming @trimming.setter def trimming(self, trimming): # type: (Trimming) -> None """Sets the trimming of this StartEncodingRequest. Allows to encode only part of the input. Defines start (offset) and duration of the desired section. This is not allowed when the Encoding uses any kind of Input Stream resource. :param trimming: The trimming of this StartEncodingRequest. :type: Trimming """ if trimming is not None: if not isinstance(trimming, Trimming): raise TypeError("Invalid type for `trimming`, type has to be `Trimming`") self._trimming = trimming @property def scheduling(self): # type: () -> Scheduling """Gets the scheduling of this StartEncodingRequest. Scheduling parameters of the encoding. :return: The scheduling of this StartEncodingRequest. :rtype: Scheduling """ return self._scheduling @scheduling.setter def scheduling(self, scheduling): # type: (Scheduling) -> None """Sets the scheduling of this StartEncodingRequest. Scheduling parameters of the encoding. :param scheduling: The scheduling of this StartEncodingRequest. :type: Scheduling """ if scheduling is not None: if not isinstance(scheduling, Scheduling): raise TypeError("Invalid type for `scheduling`, type has to be `Scheduling`") self._scheduling = scheduling @property def tweaks(self): # type: () -> Tweaks """Gets the tweaks of this StartEncodingRequest. Special tweaks for your encoding job. :return: The tweaks of this StartEncodingRequest. :rtype: Tweaks """ return self._tweaks @tweaks.setter def tweaks(self, tweaks): # type: (Tweaks) -> None """Sets the tweaks of this StartEncodingRequest. Special tweaks for your encoding job. :param tweaks: The tweaks of this StartEncodingRequest. :type: Tweaks """ if tweaks is not None: if not isinstance(tweaks, Tweaks): raise TypeError("Invalid type for `tweaks`, type has to be `Tweaks`") self._tweaks = tweaks @property def handle_variable_input_fps(self): # type: () -> bool """Gets the handle_variable_input_fps of this StartEncodingRequest. Enable frame dropping/duplication to handle variable frames per seconds of video input streams :return: The handle_variable_input_fps of this StartEncodingRequest. :rtype: bool """ return self._handle_variable_input_fps @handle_variable_input_fps.setter def handle_variable_input_fps(self, handle_variable_input_fps): # type: (bool) -> None """Sets the handle_variable_input_fps of this StartEncodingRequest. Enable frame dropping/duplication to handle variable frames per seconds of video input streams :param handle_variable_input_fps: The handle_variable_input_fps of this StartEncodingRequest. :type: bool """ if handle_variable_input_fps is not None: if not isinstance(handle_variable_input_fps, bool): raise TypeError("Invalid type for `handle_variable_input_fps`, type has to be `bool`") self._handle_variable_input_fps = handle_variable_input_fps @property def encoding_mode(self): # type: () -> EncodingMode """Gets the encoding_mode of this StartEncodingRequest. The pass mode of the encoding. Must only be set when `encodingMode` is not set on any codec configuration used by this encoding. :return: The encoding_mode of this StartEncodingRequest. :rtype: EncodingMode """ return self._encoding_mode @encoding_mode.setter def encoding_mode(self, encoding_mode): # type: (EncodingMode) -> None """Sets the encoding_mode of this StartEncodingRequest. The pass mode of the encoding. Must only be set when `encodingMode` is not set on any codec configuration used by this encoding. :param encoding_mode: The encoding_mode of this StartEncodingRequest. :type: EncodingMode """ if encoding_mode is not None: if not isinstance(encoding_mode, EncodingMode): raise TypeError("Invalid type for `encoding_mode`, type has to be `EncodingMode`") self._encoding_mode = encoding_mode @property def preview_dash_manifests(self): # type: () -> list[ManifestResource] """Gets the preview_dash_manifests of this StartEncodingRequest. DASH manifests to be generated for previewing while the encoding is still running. See [documentation]( :return: The preview_dash_manifests of this StartEncodingRequest. :rtype: list[ManifestResource] """ return self._preview_dash_manifests @preview_dash_manifests.setter def preview_dash_manifests(self, preview_dash_manifests): # type: (list) -> None """Sets the preview_dash_manifests of this StartEncodingRequest. DASH manifests to be generated for previewing while the encoding is still running. See [documentation]( :param preview_dash_manifests: The preview_dash_manifests of this StartEncodingRequest. :type: list[ManifestResource] """ if preview_dash_manifests is not None: if not isinstance(preview_dash_manifests, list): raise TypeError("Invalid type for `preview_dash_manifests`, type has to be `list[ManifestResource]`") self._preview_dash_manifests = preview_dash_manifests @property def preview_hls_manifests(self): # type: () -> list[ManifestResource] """Gets the preview_hls_manifests of this StartEncodingRequest. HLS manifests to be generated for previewing while the encoding is still running. See [documentation]( :return: The preview_hls_manifests of this StartEncodingRequest. :rtype: list[ManifestResource] """ return self._preview_hls_manifests @preview_hls_manifests.setter def preview_hls_manifests(self, preview_hls_manifests): # type: (list) -> None """Sets the preview_hls_manifests of this StartEncodingRequest. HLS manifests to be generated for previewing while the encoding is still running. See [documentation]( :param preview_hls_manifests: The preview_hls_manifests of this StartEncodingRequest. :type: list[ManifestResource] """ if preview_hls_manifests is not None: if not isinstance(preview_hls_manifests, list): raise TypeError("Invalid type for `preview_hls_manifests`, type has to be `list[ManifestResource]`") self._preview_hls_manifests = preview_hls_manifests @property def vod_dash_manifests(self): # type: () -> list[ManifestResource] """Gets the vod_dash_manifests of this StartEncodingRequest. DASH manifests to be generated right after encoding (just-in-time). See [documentation]( :return: The vod_dash_manifests of this StartEncodingRequest. :rtype: list[ManifestResource] """ return self._vod_dash_manifests @vod_dash_manifests.setter def vod_dash_manifests(self, vod_dash_manifests): # type: (list) -> None """Sets the vod_dash_manifests of this StartEncodingRequest. DASH manifests to be generated right after encoding (just-in-time). See [documentation]( :param vod_dash_manifests: The vod_dash_manifests of this StartEncodingRequest. :type: list[ManifestResource] """ if vod_dash_manifests is not None: if not isinstance(vod_dash_manifests, list): raise TypeError("Invalid type for `vod_dash_manifests`, type has to be `list[ManifestResource]`") self._vod_dash_manifests = vod_dash_manifests @property def vod_hls_manifests(self): # type: () -> list[ManifestResource] """Gets the vod_hls_manifests of this StartEncodingRequest. HLS manifests to be generated right after encoding (just-in-time). See [documentation]( :return: The vod_hls_manifests of this StartEncodingRequest. :rtype: list[ManifestResource] """ return self._vod_hls_manifests @vod_hls_manifests.setter def vod_hls_manifests(self, vod_hls_manifests): # type: (list) -> None """Sets the vod_hls_manifests of this StartEncodingRequest. HLS manifests to be generated right after encoding (just-in-time). See [documentation]( :param vod_hls_manifests: The vod_hls_manifests of this StartEncodingRequest. :type: list[ManifestResource] """ if vod_hls_manifests is not None: if not isinstance(vod_hls_manifests, list): raise TypeError("Invalid type for `vod_hls_manifests`, type has to be `list[ManifestResource]`") self._vod_hls_manifests = vod_hls_manifests @property def vod_smooth_manifests(self): # type: () -> list[ManifestResource] """Gets the vod_smooth_manifests of this StartEncodingRequest. Smooth Streaming manifests to be generated right after encoding (just-in-time). See [documentation]( :return: The vod_smooth_manifests of this StartEncodingRequest. :rtype: list[ManifestResource] """ return self._vod_smooth_manifests @vod_smooth_manifests.setter def vod_smooth_manifests(self, vod_smooth_manifests): # type: (list) -> None """Sets the vod_smooth_manifests of this StartEncodingRequest. Smooth Streaming manifests to be generated right after encoding (just-in-time). See [documentation]( :param vod_smooth_manifests: The vod_smooth_manifests of this StartEncodingRequest. :type: list[ManifestResource] """ if vod_smooth_manifests is not None: if not isinstance(vod_smooth_manifests, list): raise TypeError("Invalid type for `vod_smooth_manifests`, type has to be `list[ManifestResource]`") self._vod_smooth_manifests = vod_smooth_manifests @property def manifest_generator(self): # type: () -> ManifestGenerator """Gets the manifest_generator of this StartEncodingRequest. Major version of the manifest generator to be used for manifests referenced in this request (by properties vodDashManifests, vodHlsManifests, vodSmoothManifests, previewDashManifests, previewHlsManifests). `V2` is available for encoder versions 2.70.0 and above and is the recommended option. The default value depends on the sign-up date of your organization. See [documentation]( page for a detailed explanation. :return: The manifest_generator of this StartEncodingRequest. :rtype: ManifestGenerator """ return self._manifest_generator @manifest_generator.setter def manifest_generator(self, manifest_generator): # type: (ManifestGenerator) -> None """Sets the manifest_generator of this StartEncodingRequest. Major version of the manifest generator to be used for manifests referenced in this request (by properties vodDashManifests, vodHlsManifests, vodSmoothManifests, previewDashManifests, previewHlsManifests). `V2` is available for encoder versions 2.70.0 and above and is the recommended option. The default value depends on the sign-up date of your organization. See [documentation]( page for a detailed explanation. :param manifest_generator: The manifest_generator of this StartEncodingRequest. :type: ManifestGenerator """ if manifest_generator is not None: if not isinstance(manifest_generator, ManifestGenerator): raise TypeError("Invalid type for `manifest_generator`, type has to be `ManifestGenerator`") self._manifest_generator = manifest_generator @property def per_title(self): # type: () -> PerTitle """Gets the per_title of this StartEncodingRequest. Per-Title settings :return: The per_title of this StartEncodingRequest. :rtype: PerTitle """ return self._per_title @per_title.setter def per_title(self, per_title): # type: (PerTitle) -> None """Sets the per_title of this StartEncodingRequest. Per-Title settings :param per_title: The per_title of this StartEncodingRequest. :type: PerTitle """ if per_title is not None: if not isinstance(per_title, PerTitle): raise TypeError("Invalid type for `per_title`, type has to be `PerTitle`") self._per_title = per_title
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" result = {} for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types): value = getattr(self, attr) if value is None: continue if isinstance(value, list): if len(value) == 0: continue result[self.attribute_map.get(attr)] = [y.value if isinstance(y, Enum) else y for y in [x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x for x in value]] elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"): result[self.attribute_map.get(attr)] = value.to_dict() elif isinstance(value, Enum): result[self.attribute_map.get(attr)] = value.value elif isinstance(value, dict): result[self.attribute_map.get(attr)] = {k: (v.to_dict() if hasattr(v, "to_dict") else v) for (k, v) in value.items()} else: result[self.attribute_map.get(attr)] = value return result
[docs] def to_str(self): """Returns the string representation of the model""" return pprint.pformat(self.to_dict())
def __repr__(self): """For `print` and `pprint`""" return self.to_str() def __eq__(self, other): """Returns true if both objects are equal""" if not isinstance(other, StartEncodingRequest): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Returns true if both objects are not equal""" return not self == other