# coding: utf-8
from enum import Enum
from six import string_types, iteritems
from bitmovin_api_sdk.common.poscheck import poscheck_model
from bitmovin_api_sdk.models.abstract_condition import AbstractCondition
from bitmovin_api_sdk.models.applied_stream_settings import AppliedStreamSettings
from bitmovin_api_sdk.models.bitmovin_resource import BitmovinResource
from bitmovin_api_sdk.models.decoding_error_mode import DecodingErrorMode
from bitmovin_api_sdk.models.encoding_mode import EncodingMode
from bitmovin_api_sdk.models.stream_metadata import StreamMetadata
from bitmovin_api_sdk.models.stream_mode import StreamMode
from bitmovin_api_sdk.models.stream_per_title_settings import StreamPerTitleSettings
import pprint
import six
[docs]class Stream(BitmovinResource):
def __init__(self,
# type: (string_types, string_types, string_types, datetime, datetime, dict, list[StreamInput], list[EncodingOutput], bool, string_types, int, AbstractCondition, list[Ignoring], StreamMode, EncodingMode, StreamPerTitleSettings, StreamMetadata, DecodingErrorMode, AppliedStreamSettings) -> None
super(Stream, self).__init__(id_=id_, name=name, description=description, created_at=created_at, modified_at=modified_at, custom_data=custom_data)
self._input_streams = list()
self._outputs = list()
self._create_quality_meta_data = None
self._codec_config_id = None
self._segments_encoded = None
self._conditions = None
self._ignored_by = list()
self._mode = None
self._selected_encoding_mode = None
self._per_title_settings = None
self._metadata = None
self._decoding_error_mode = None
self._applied_settings = None
self.discriminator = None
if input_streams is not None:
self.input_streams = input_streams
if outputs is not None:
self.outputs = outputs
if create_quality_meta_data is not None:
self.create_quality_meta_data = create_quality_meta_data
if codec_config_id is not None:
self.codec_config_id = codec_config_id
if segments_encoded is not None:
self.segments_encoded = segments_encoded
if conditions is not None:
self.conditions = conditions
if ignored_by is not None:
self.ignored_by = ignored_by
if mode is not None:
self.mode = mode
if selected_encoding_mode is not None:
self.selected_encoding_mode = selected_encoding_mode
if per_title_settings is not None:
self.per_title_settings = per_title_settings
if metadata is not None:
self.metadata = metadata
if decoding_error_mode is not None:
self.decoding_error_mode = decoding_error_mode
if applied_settings is not None:
self.applied_settings = applied_settings
def openapi_types(self):
types = {}
if hasattr(super(Stream, self), 'openapi_types'):
types = getattr(super(Stream, self), 'openapi_types')
'input_streams': 'list[StreamInput]',
'outputs': 'list[EncodingOutput]',
'create_quality_meta_data': 'bool',
'codec_config_id': 'string_types',
'segments_encoded': 'int',
'conditions': 'AbstractCondition',
'ignored_by': 'list[Ignoring]',
'mode': 'StreamMode',
'selected_encoding_mode': 'EncodingMode',
'per_title_settings': 'StreamPerTitleSettings',
'metadata': 'StreamMetadata',
'decoding_error_mode': 'DecodingErrorMode',
'applied_settings': 'AppliedStreamSettings'
return types
def attribute_map(self):
attributes = {}
if hasattr(super(Stream, self), 'attribute_map'):
attributes = getattr(super(Stream, self), 'attribute_map')
'input_streams': 'inputStreams',
'outputs': 'outputs',
'create_quality_meta_data': 'createQualityMetaData',
'codec_config_id': 'codecConfigId',
'segments_encoded': 'segmentsEncoded',
'conditions': 'conditions',
'ignored_by': 'ignoredBy',
'mode': 'mode',
'selected_encoding_mode': 'selectedEncodingMode',
'per_title_settings': 'perTitleSettings',
'metadata': 'metadata',
'decoding_error_mode': 'decodingErrorMode',
'applied_settings': 'appliedSettings'
return attributes
def input_streams(self):
# type: () -> list[StreamInput]
"""Gets the input_streams of this Stream.
Determines the input source(s) for the stream. All video streams of an encoding need to have identical input configurations (required)
:return: The input_streams of this Stream.
:rtype: list[StreamInput]
return self._input_streams
def input_streams(self, input_streams):
# type: (list) -> None
"""Sets the input_streams of this Stream.
Determines the input source(s) for the stream. All video streams of an encoding need to have identical input configurations (required)
:param input_streams: The input_streams of this Stream.
:type: list[StreamInput]
if input_streams is not None:
if not isinstance(input_streams, list):
raise TypeError("Invalid type for `input_streams`, type has to be `list[StreamInput]`")
self._input_streams = input_streams
def outputs(self):
# type: () -> list[EncodingOutput]
"""Gets the outputs of this Stream.
:return: The outputs of this Stream.
:rtype: list[EncodingOutput]
return self._outputs
def outputs(self, outputs):
# type: (list) -> None
"""Sets the outputs of this Stream.
:param outputs: The outputs of this Stream.
:type: list[EncodingOutput]
if outputs is not None:
if not isinstance(outputs, list):
raise TypeError("Invalid type for `outputs`, type has to be `list[EncodingOutput]`")
self._outputs = outputs
def create_quality_meta_data(self):
# type: () -> bool
"""Gets the create_quality_meta_data of this Stream.
Set true to create quality metadata for this stream
:return: The create_quality_meta_data of this Stream.
:rtype: bool
return self._create_quality_meta_data
def create_quality_meta_data(self, create_quality_meta_data):
# type: (bool) -> None
"""Sets the create_quality_meta_data of this Stream.
Set true to create quality metadata for this stream
:param create_quality_meta_data: The create_quality_meta_data of this Stream.
:type: bool
if create_quality_meta_data is not None:
if not isinstance(create_quality_meta_data, bool):
raise TypeError("Invalid type for `create_quality_meta_data`, type has to be `bool`")
self._create_quality_meta_data = create_quality_meta_data
def codec_config_id(self):
# type: () -> string_types
"""Gets the codec_config_id of this Stream.
Id of the codec configuration (required)
:return: The codec_config_id of this Stream.
:rtype: string_types
return self._codec_config_id
def codec_config_id(self, codec_config_id):
# type: (string_types) -> None
"""Sets the codec_config_id of this Stream.
Id of the codec configuration (required)
:param codec_config_id: The codec_config_id of this Stream.
:type: string_types
if codec_config_id is not None:
if not isinstance(codec_config_id, string_types):
raise TypeError("Invalid type for `codec_config_id`, type has to be `string_types`")
self._codec_config_id = codec_config_id
def segments_encoded(self):
# type: () -> int
"""Gets the segments_encoded of this Stream.
Number of encoded segments. Available after encoding finishes.
:return: The segments_encoded of this Stream.
:rtype: int
return self._segments_encoded
def segments_encoded(self, segments_encoded):
# type: (int) -> None
"""Sets the segments_encoded of this Stream.
Number of encoded segments. Available after encoding finishes.
:param segments_encoded: The segments_encoded of this Stream.
:type: int
if segments_encoded is not None:
if not isinstance(segments_encoded, int):
raise TypeError("Invalid type for `segments_encoded`, type has to be `int`")
self._segments_encoded = segments_encoded
def conditions(self):
# type: () -> AbstractCondition
"""Gets the conditions of this Stream.
Defines a condition that is evaluated against the input of the Stream. If the condition is not fulfilled, the Stream will be ignored during the encoding process. The 'streamConditionMode' of a Muxing allows to control how ignored Streams affect the Muxing. When retrieving the resource after the analysis step of the encoding has finished, 'ignoredBy' will indicate if and why it has been ignored. See [Stream Conditions](https://bitmovin.com/docs/encoding/articles/stream-conditions) for more information
:return: The conditions of this Stream.
:rtype: AbstractCondition
return self._conditions
def conditions(self, conditions):
# type: (AbstractCondition) -> None
"""Sets the conditions of this Stream.
Defines a condition that is evaluated against the input of the Stream. If the condition is not fulfilled, the Stream will be ignored during the encoding process. The 'streamConditionMode' of a Muxing allows to control how ignored Streams affect the Muxing. When retrieving the resource after the analysis step of the encoding has finished, 'ignoredBy' will indicate if and why it has been ignored. See [Stream Conditions](https://bitmovin.com/docs/encoding/articles/stream-conditions) for more information
:param conditions: The conditions of this Stream.
:type: AbstractCondition
if conditions is not None:
if not isinstance(conditions, AbstractCondition):
raise TypeError("Invalid type for `conditions`, type has to be `AbstractCondition`")
self._conditions = conditions
def ignored_by(self):
# type: () -> list[Ignoring]
"""Gets the ignored_by of this Stream.
This read-only property is set during the analysis step of the encoding. If it contains items, the Stream has been ignored during the encoding process due to its 'conditions'
:return: The ignored_by of this Stream.
:rtype: list[Ignoring]
return self._ignored_by
def ignored_by(self, ignored_by):
# type: (list) -> None
"""Sets the ignored_by of this Stream.
This read-only property is set during the analysis step of the encoding. If it contains items, the Stream has been ignored during the encoding process due to its 'conditions'
:param ignored_by: The ignored_by of this Stream.
:type: list[Ignoring]
if ignored_by is not None:
if not isinstance(ignored_by, list):
raise TypeError("Invalid type for `ignored_by`, type has to be `list[Ignoring]`")
self._ignored_by = ignored_by
def mode(self):
# type: () -> StreamMode
"""Gets the mode of this Stream.
Mode of the stream
:return: The mode of this Stream.
:rtype: StreamMode
return self._mode
def mode(self, mode):
# type: (StreamMode) -> None
"""Sets the mode of this Stream.
Mode of the stream
:param mode: The mode of this Stream.
:type: StreamMode
if mode is not None:
if not isinstance(mode, StreamMode):
raise TypeError("Invalid type for `mode`, type has to be `StreamMode`")
self._mode = mode
def selected_encoding_mode(self):
# type: () -> EncodingMode
"""Gets the selected_encoding_mode of this Stream.
The encoding mode that was used for this stream. This is derived from `encodingMode`, which can be specified in the codec configuration or in the encoding start request. Note that all streams of an encoding need to use the same encoding mode. This will therefore always match `selectedEncodingMode` of the related Encoding resource. Especially useful when `encodingMode` was not set explicitly or set to STANDARD (which translates to one of the other possible values on encoding start).
:return: The selected_encoding_mode of this Stream.
:rtype: EncodingMode
return self._selected_encoding_mode
def selected_encoding_mode(self, selected_encoding_mode):
# type: (EncodingMode) -> None
"""Sets the selected_encoding_mode of this Stream.
The encoding mode that was used for this stream. This is derived from `encodingMode`, which can be specified in the codec configuration or in the encoding start request. Note that all streams of an encoding need to use the same encoding mode. This will therefore always match `selectedEncodingMode` of the related Encoding resource. Especially useful when `encodingMode` was not set explicitly or set to STANDARD (which translates to one of the other possible values on encoding start).
:param selected_encoding_mode: The selected_encoding_mode of this Stream.
:type: EncodingMode
if selected_encoding_mode is not None:
if not isinstance(selected_encoding_mode, EncodingMode):
raise TypeError("Invalid type for `selected_encoding_mode`, type has to be `EncodingMode`")
self._selected_encoding_mode = selected_encoding_mode
def per_title_settings(self):
# type: () -> StreamPerTitleSettings
"""Gets the per_title_settings of this Stream.
Settings to configure Per-Title on stream level
:return: The per_title_settings of this Stream.
:rtype: StreamPerTitleSettings
return self._per_title_settings
def per_title_settings(self, per_title_settings):
# type: (StreamPerTitleSettings) -> None
"""Sets the per_title_settings of this Stream.
Settings to configure Per-Title on stream level
:param per_title_settings: The per_title_settings of this Stream.
:type: StreamPerTitleSettings
if per_title_settings is not None:
if not isinstance(per_title_settings, StreamPerTitleSettings):
raise TypeError("Invalid type for `per_title_settings`, type has to be `StreamPerTitleSettings`")
self._per_title_settings = per_title_settings
def metadata(self):
# type: () -> StreamMetadata
"""Gets the metadata of this Stream.
:return: The metadata of this Stream.
:rtype: StreamMetadata
return self._metadata
def metadata(self, metadata):
# type: (StreamMetadata) -> None
"""Sets the metadata of this Stream.
:param metadata: The metadata of this Stream.
:type: StreamMetadata
if metadata is not None:
if not isinstance(metadata, StreamMetadata):
raise TypeError("Invalid type for `metadata`, type has to be `StreamMetadata`")
self._metadata = metadata
def decoding_error_mode(self):
# type: () -> DecodingErrorMode
"""Gets the decoding_error_mode of this Stream.
Determines how to react to errors during decoding
:return: The decoding_error_mode of this Stream.
:rtype: DecodingErrorMode
return self._decoding_error_mode
def decoding_error_mode(self, decoding_error_mode):
# type: (DecodingErrorMode) -> None
"""Sets the decoding_error_mode of this Stream.
Determines how to react to errors during decoding
:param decoding_error_mode: The decoding_error_mode of this Stream.
:type: DecodingErrorMode
if decoding_error_mode is not None:
if not isinstance(decoding_error_mode, DecodingErrorMode):
raise TypeError("Invalid type for `decoding_error_mode`, type has to be `DecodingErrorMode`")
self._decoding_error_mode = decoding_error_mode
def applied_settings(self):
# type: () -> AppliedStreamSettings
"""Gets the applied_settings of this Stream.
Contains stream properties which may not have been defined in the configuration
:return: The applied_settings of this Stream.
:rtype: AppliedStreamSettings
return self._applied_settings
def applied_settings(self, applied_settings):
# type: (AppliedStreamSettings) -> None
"""Sets the applied_settings of this Stream.
Contains stream properties which may not have been defined in the configuration
:param applied_settings: The applied_settings of this Stream.
:type: AppliedStreamSettings
if applied_settings is not None:
if not isinstance(applied_settings, AppliedStreamSettings):
raise TypeError("Invalid type for `applied_settings`, type has to be `AppliedStreamSettings`")
self._applied_settings = applied_settings
[docs] def to_dict(self):
"""Returns the model properties as a dict"""
result = {}
if hasattr(super(Stream, self), "to_dict"):
result = super(Stream, self).to_dict()
for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if value is None:
if isinstance(value, list):
if len(value) == 0:
result[self.attribute_map.get(attr)] = [y.value if isinstance(y, Enum) else y for y in [x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x for x in value]]
elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
result[self.attribute_map.get(attr)] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, Enum):
result[self.attribute_map.get(attr)] = value.value
elif isinstance(value, dict):
result[self.attribute_map.get(attr)] = {k: (v.to_dict() if hasattr(v, "to_dict") else v) for (k, v) in value.items()}
result[self.attribute_map.get(attr)] = value
return result
[docs] def to_str(self):
"""Returns the string representation of the model"""
return pprint.pformat(self.to_dict())
def __repr__(self):
"""For `print` and `pprint`"""
return self.to_str()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are equal"""
if not isinstance(other, Stream):
return False
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not self == other