class ResetLiveManifestTimeShift
extends BitmovinResponse
- // members
- public float $residualPeriodInSeconds;
- public float $offsetInSeconds;
- public array $manifestIds;
- public bool $shiftProgressiveMuxingStartPosition;
- // Inherited members from BitmovinResponse
- public string $id;
- // methods
- public void __construct()
- public $this residualPeriodInSeconds()
- public $this offsetInSeconds()
- public $this manifestIds()
- public $this shiftProgressiveMuxingStartPosition()
- // Inherited methods from BitmovinResponse
- public void __construct()
- // Inherited methods from ApiResource
- public void __construct()
- public static $this create()
- public void toArray()
- $id — string
- $manifestIds — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\string[]
- $offsetInSeconds — float
- $residualPeriodInSeconds — float
- $shiftProgressiveMuxingStartPosition — BitmovinApiSdk\Models\bool
- __construct()
- manifestIds() — The ids of the manifests to update. If this property is not set, all manifests tied to the encoding are updated.
- offsetInSeconds() — Offset in seconds from the start of the live event, defining the point from which all segments within that duration will be removed from the given manifests. E.g.: The segment length is 2 seconds and a timeshift of 120 seconds (2 minutes) is configured. The manifest contains 60 segments with the last segment number being 80 (`segment_80.ts`). This means the manifest contains `segment_20.ts` to `segment_80.ts` (timeshift of 2 minutes equals 60 segments in manifest) If you set `offsetInSeconds` to `120`, all segments below segment number 60 (`segment_60.ts`) will be removed. (`targetSegmentNumber = offsetInSeconds / segmentLength`) The manifests will then contain `segment_60.ts` to `segment_80.ts` *Note:* Only `offsetInSeconds` or `residualPeriodInSeconds` can be set.
- residualPeriodInSeconds() — Determines how many seconds will be left in the manifest after segments are removed. If this is not set, all but one segment will be removed.
- shiftProgressiveMuxingStartPosition() — If set to true, the Progressive muxing start position will be shifted to the start of the first remaining segment after the removal. NOTE: This only works for Progressive MP4 muxings.