
Offset in seconds from the start of the live event, defining the point from which all segments within that duration will be removed from the given manifests. E.g.: The segment length is 2 seconds and a timeshift of 120 seconds (2 minutes) is configured. The manifest contains 60 segments with the last segment number being 80 (`segment_80.ts`). This means the manifest contains `segment_20.ts` to `segment_80.ts` (timeshift of 2 minutes equals 60 segments in manifest) If you set `offsetInSeconds` to `120`, all segments below segment number 60 (`segment_60.ts`) will be removed. (`targetSegmentNumber = offsetInSeconds / segmentLength`) The manifests will then contain `segment_60.ts` to `segment_80.ts` *Note:* Only `offsetInSeconds` or `residualPeriodInSeconds` can be set.